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澳洲 - 澳大利亚日商场营业时间公布|澳内阁将建立反犹数据库,新州加大立法打击|悉尼幼儿园被纵火,疑似与反犹组织关联|麦当劳推出$6.95套餐,心动了吗|悉尼道路新标志,若不知情将罚款至少$272|澳洲年度最具影响力品牌备受争议
国际 - 澳两位前驻美大使:白宫首位“重罪犯”或将为所欲为 |美国关税或2月开始加收,马斯克会收购Tiktok吗?|被弹劾总统尹锡悦被捕后首次露面
澳洲- 2025年“福山福水福天下”澳洲春晚圆满举行|数千人排队看“尸花”,15年一遇|澳洲赴美新规即将生效!简化美国入境流程|悉尼房东最不愿意搬家的区域,和最常换东家的区域|全澳5个首府城市中位价破百万,悉尼唯一下跌|工资还没有一台机器赚的多,年入$19万|一天超$35!悉尼公立医院停车费收益创纪录
08:00 - 10:00 | Travel 878會客室 房產有話說 學豐教育在線 | 878時訊(重播) | 878時訊(重播) | 流行歌曲 |
10:00 - 10:30 | 878粵語流行歌曲榜(重播) | 相聲/ 房產有話說/ 學豐教育在線 | 878粵語流行歌曲榜 | |
11:00 - 12:00 | 劇味時光 | 明朝那些事兒/ 澳行日記(重播)/ 劇味時光(重播) | 房產有話說(重播) 878會客室(重播) | Travel 學豐教育在線(重播) 明朝那些事兒(重播) |
13:30 - 15:30 | 書海漫遊 文化南十字 故事魔法屋 兒歌童趣園 | 書海漫遊 文化南十字 故事魔法屋 兒歌童趣園 | 書海漫遊(重播) | 文化南十字(重播) |
16:00 - 18:00 | 878時訊直播 | 878時訊直播 | 878時訊直播 | 流行歌曲 |
22:00 - 23:00 | 書海漫遊(重播) 文化南十字(重播) | 書海漫遊(重播) 文化南十字(重播) | 書海漫遊(重播) 文化南十字(重播) | 書海漫遊(重播) 文化南十字(重播) |
2024 Burwood Monn Festival
Burwood Moon Festival is one of the largest outdoor and entertainment events among the Australian Chinese community. It attracts over 30,000 visitors every year and has become the most influential family event for local Australians. The variety of food stalls and corporate stalls will give you a golden opportunity to promote your brand and product.
SING!CHINA Australia Audition
Grand Final
Sing! China is amongst one of the most reputable singing shows in China, as well as amid the overseas Chinese community. TVB Anywhere is delighted to announce that we will be the official organiser for the Australia overseas recruitment of Sing! China 2021. The main goal of the audition is to discover local singing talent, who would then represent Australia to participate in the show in mainland China.
Retirement Lifestyle Expo
Retirement is the beginning of a prosperous life. With plenty of time and good health, retirees should enjoy the second half of their life without any worries. TV Media organises the Retirement Lifestyle Expo in the Chinese community every year, surrounding the theme of elderly services and elderly needs. It provides support to the elderly, and further promotes the importance of quality retirement planning.
Local Production
Local Production
Money And You
Professional financial accountant, Simon Wu, along with his son, Johnathon Wu, are here to talk about financial information and investment strategies. The father and son duo will use their sophisticated industry experience to discuss the matters in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
Community & Commercial News
Track closely the latest developments in the Chinese community, gather various types of public welfare information, disseminate the most sought-after consumer information, and enrich the lives of the Chinese community. Starting from the perspective of the Chinese, explore hot topics in social livelihood and local community events, big and small. Provide audiences with comprehensive perspectives and in-depth analysis.